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Ladies' Weekend

So, it's a girls' weekend. Keith is out of town in NC with his Dad, BIL, and BIL's brother. We started the morning off with a garage sale at my MIL's home and had a blast. The girls and I got a chance to hang with the ladies (and two young gentlemen) on Keith's side of the family while taking in cash for our junk. Everyone seemed to have tons of fun, despite the super early start to the morning.

We returned home for lunch and immediately after, the strangest thing happened: REAGAN PUT HERSELF DOWN TO NAP. Now, if you don't know my oldest child's sleeping history too well, I'll recap for you. She often whines about naps, usually requests a "short nap", and takes forever to go to sleep. So, today was nothing short of amazing. She walked up on her own and was asleep in 10 minutes. After I picked my jaw up from the floor, I proceeded to put Maren down for a nap as well. Aahhhhh, time alone, what do I do? Nap, shower, clean, play on the computer? I chose all but nap, which is funny because that's the one thing I'm always complaining about not getting to do. Fast forward two hours, yes, two hours, and the oldest wakes. I sit here typing and the youngest is still sleeping, heading toward 2 1/2 hours, a new record! Don't worry, she'll choose to wake as soon as I'm in a position not to be able to get to her quickly, usually when I'm on the toilet.

We're looking forward to dinner out with the ILs tonight. My only request was that we eat at 5:00. I feel like I'm 80, having to eat so early, but the youngest does prefer that early bedtime still.

By the way, Maren has now doubled her vocabulary. She now has 2 words she uses correctly on a regular basis: bye-bye and uh-oh.

Tidbit From The Past: When Reagan was much younger and learning to talk, she pronounced I love you as "shu shu." It was something she did for months, until she could pronounce it better, and Keith and I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. We would even sign our e-mail messages to each other with "shu shu."

Am I really doing this?

I'm looking for a way to keep up with the wonderful experience of raising two daughters. There are so many things that happen on a daily basis, or things that are said that I never want to forget. I just wish I had started this when Reagan was younger.

As of today, my girls are 4 years and 12 months. Reagan is my oldest. She's this fiery little redhead that will cuddle with you one minute and turn around and punch the dog, Murphy, the next. Maren is the baby. Her personality is evolving each day. She loves to be held and laughs constantly.

I picked up the girls from daycare today. Reagan's teacher told me of her behavior, resulting in a "red card." Yeah, we need to work on her listening skills. Maren also seemed to have a difficult day. She bit her teacher at least twice and a fellow classmate once. Great, heading down that road again. I'm hoping it's due to teething. It looks like she's close to cutting her canines.

So, I'm testing the waters with this whole "blogging" thing. Not sure where it will go, but interested in the ride.